Our Goal
The Holly Springs Parkway widening project is redefining mobility across the City of Holly Springs with impactful upgrades for both vehicles and pedestrians. Designed to ease congestion and improve accessibility, this project focuses on transforming one of the city’s busiest corridors. We aimed to prioritize widening Holly Springs Parkway to enhance traffic flow while creating a safer, more connected experience for everyone.
The LJA Roadmap
Designed and constructed in phases, the Holly Springs Parkway widening project is transforming a narrow two-lane rural road into a modern four- and five-lane urban roadway. With the addition of a landscaped raised median, curbing, five-foot sidewalks, traffic signals, and pedestrian lighting, the project enhances both traffic flow and accessibility. By improving one of the busiest corridors connecting Woodstock and Canton, Georgia, these upgrades create a safer, more connected experience for drivers and pedestrians alike.
What We
- Transportation Design
- Preliminary Engineering
- Drainage Improvements
- Construction Phase Services
- Project Management
- Right of Way Appraisals
- Right of Way Acquisition
- Right of Way Specialty Reports
Seamlessly Connecting Corridors
Our team designed the roadway widenings and improvements in phases to facilitate seamless project extensions. This project is part of a series of initiatives throughout the city aimed at connecting the commercial and retail nodes at the Sixes Road and Holly Springs exits on I 575 through the city’s high density residential corridor via Holly Springs Parkway.

A Closer Look at Holly Springs Parkway
LJA has a legacy of delivering professional services for projects originally completed by BM&K Construction and Engineering,
a wholly-owned subsidiary of LJA Engineering, Inc.