Memorial Park Master Plan and Land Bridge

Memorial Park Master Plan and Land Bridge

Our Goal

LJA’s mission was to establish the park’s baseline ecology and develop a habitat restoration plan in conjunction with the park master plan. This included making recommendations for ongoing restoration efforts and ecological monitoring to gauge progress and inform the master plan’s design.

The LJA Roadmap

LJA’s roadmap for this project involved a customized approach. Using a grid system of over 300 plots, our environmental team refined data on each vegetative complex’s location, species composition, and overall health. This resulted in a detailed characterization of vegetation complexes, including species composition, dominance, and invasive species focus.

Based on this data, we provided recommendations for habitat restoration, species selection, and resource management. The Memorial Park Conservancy and the development team are utilizing this information for future phases of the master plan. Additionally, it was used in the planning and construction of the Eastern Glades project, in compliance with Section 404 Nationwide Permit guidelines, coordinated with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Texas Historical Commission to protect the historic Camp Logan footprint.

What We Offered

  • Ecological Evaluation
  • Project Management
  • Galveston Stream Tool Assessment
  • Hydrogeomorphic Model (HGM) Analysis
  • Texas Historical Commission (THC) Coordination
  • Section 404 Nationwide Permit Preparation and Coordination
  • WOTUS Delineation for the NWP

Cultural Preservation

Our team coordinated a detailed archaeology pedestrian study to catalog cultural resources within the project area, assisting with deep testing locations required by the Texas Historical Commission.

Memorial Park Master Plan and Land Bridge

Connecting Communities and Nature

We coordinated with the USACE for permitting the Land Bridge over Memorial Drive and planning a 50-acre wetland prairie/stream complex connecting to Buffalo Bayou, including preparing the Galveston stream tool assessment and the Hydrogeomorphic Model. During construction, our team ensured compliance with USACE regulations.

Memorial Park Master Plan and Land Bridge
Our impact in environmental