Cultural Resources

Our cultural resources experts operate at the intersection of progress and preservation.

Our Cultural Resources Include

  • NHPA Section 106 Compliance
  • Historical and Archival Reviews
  • Archeological Probability Assessments
  • Archeological and Historical Surveys
  • NRHP Eligibility Assessments
  • Property History Research
  • National Register Nominations
  • Mechanical Deep Testing Support
  • Burial Exhumations and Cemetery Delineations
  • HABS/HAER Documentation
  • Mitigation Plans and Data Recovery
  • NEPA Documentation and Analysis
  • Alternative Analysis
  • Direct/Indirect/Cumulative Impact Assessments
  • Section 4(f) Evaluations
  • Historic Architecture and Urban Planning
  • Tribal Consultation
  • Prehistoric/Historic Artifact Analysis and Curation
Photo_Archeo Interior Image 1 (Excavations)


Jesse Owens | Vice President, Environmental Services
